Spring Office Hours
Join Dan Vega and DaShaun Carter as they explore what’s new in the world of Spring
Visit siteThe InfoQ Podcast
Helping dev teams adopt new technologies and practices. Written by software engineers. Read by over 1.5 million developers worldwide.
Visit siteBootiful Podcast - Josh Long
Hi, I'm Josh Long, a humble Spring developer advocate, and this is A Bootiful Podcast, a celebration of the heroes that drive the Spring and Java ecosystems
Visit siteBootiful Podcast - Josh Long
Hi, I'm Josh Long, a humble Spring developer advocate, and this is A Bootiful Podcast, a celebration of the heroes that drive the Spring and Java ecosystems
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DaShaun Carter
DaShaun is a husband, father of four, youth coach, struggling triathlete, Raspberry Pi enthusiast, Testcontainer Champion, former professional cheerleader, keynote speaker, and Spring Developer Advocate at Broadcom.
Visit siteDan Vega
Dan Vega is a Java Champion, Spring Developer Advocate at Broadcom and lifelong learner. He has been developing software for the web for over 23 years and his superpower is problem-solving.
Visit siteCoffee + Software with Josh Long
Hi there 👋! My name is Josh Long, and this is Coffee + Software. I've got a lot of things I want to explore and very little time in which to do it. So, grab a cup of coffee and join me and we'll explore together.
Visit siteSimon Martinelli
Simon Martinelli is a Java Champion, a Vaadin Champion, and an Oracle ACE Associate.
Visit siteSivaLabs
Video tutorials on Java, Spring, SpringBoot, Hibernate, JPA, MicroServices, DevOps, and Testing
Visit siteSpring Developer
Spring is the most popular application development framework for Java™. Millions of developers use Spring to build simple, truly portable, fast and flexible JVM-based systems and applications.
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